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Photo taken by: Celia Carletti


HEAVY HEART (Eshkakogan)
Heavy Heart Clan People do what they can to help people help themselves.
You help people help themselves by being tough on people out of love for them.
You help in many ways. The best way is for people to ask for the right kind of help and they will get it.

Hedgehog Clan People stop people from hurting themselves.
You remove the self-hatred that people carry.
You get people to love themselves unconditionally.
You heal the bad things they think about themselves.
You teach people to accept all the bad things as learning experiences.

Hermit Crab Clan People start clawing away at the past injustices and releases them.
You get people to find and remove past hurts.
You find where the past hurts are being repeated time after time in hopes of being released.
You find the hidden clues in the bad things to make new beginnings.


Hippopotamus Clan People find ways to interpret signs from Spirit for people.
You can dream and get messages for people.
You can get family history for people by asking the Ancestors on the Otherside.
You can see history in the world from the remains stuck in stones.
You can find anything hiding in the dark waters in people’s bodies.


Housefly Clan People find the real issues people have.
You bug people to get to the facts as to what is bothering them.
You pester people into finding what it is that they have not resolved that is calling in the problems.

Hummingbird Clan People heal people from having regrets.
You heal the past mistakes that people made.
You heal the regrets that stop the joy of being happy with living.
You turn past mistakes into life lessons.