Many stories have been told of the boogie man “The Hatman” through different nations and tribes.
In actuality, he is the Spirit of Fear.
The Spirit of Fear has been used and abused by many leaders, organizations and governments, even parents to suppress empowerment of the people.
The Black Hatman is a good spirit.
The Black Hatman is a good spirit because he teaches us that having fears is normal but running away from them is not a solution. Nor is living in fear. It’s just make belief and has no reality.
Have the power to face your fears and conquer them and then you’re free of that bundle.
Be free to live your life as you wish. Do not live under people’s almighty threats that keep you small and weak.
Face your fears and empower yourself. 

Teaching from Tina Eshkawkogan of Wikwemikong & Lori Kewaquom of Saugeen