Hearing bells ring has many meanings:

1. The Bell Rocks used to ring to signal messages to the Anishinabek on Manitoulin Island and the surrounding islands of important news to share with all people.

2. Church bell ringing a certain number of times would be a time to pay attention to information like the death of a child, woman, or man so that people would be prepared to offer any assistance to the family experiencing a loss.

3. A bell ringing also symbolized an angel got its wings.

4. But it is most helpful to know that a ringing bell symbolizes a presence of a spirit like a Santa Clause, Kris Kringle, or an angel from above who lets us know that we are never alone even if we are alone.

5. You can have your own bell and decorate it to with colors to help you connect with:
Spirits of the Earth - Green
Spirits of the Star Nation - Blue
Children - Yellow
Youth - Red
Adults - Black
Elders - White
Your Spirit - Purple
Note: It does not matter if your family or friends are living or on the Otherside.