Connecting to your Spirit Teaching

Steps to connect with your Spirit Teaching:
Your body is a container for your Spirit.
The body communicates to you when you have an earache, headache, when your hungry or when you have been bitten or burned.
So start learning to pay close attention to your body to get the answers you are seeking by finding what a Yes & No, or something that is true or false feels like.

Stand straight up with feet 6-8 inches apart, say something that is true like my name is _____.
Pay attention to how your body moved.
Test by saying another thing that is true like my last name is _____.
See if you moved the same way.
If so, you found what your yes feels like.
It's a truth movement.
Now you look for your no or what a false feels like.
Say something untrue like my name is Timbuktu. Feel how you moved.
Test by saying something else untrue like I have no problems.
See if you moved the same way.
If so, you found your no or what a false movement feels like.

A simpler way is to ask:
Show me my NO and pay attention to how your body moves in response.
Then repeat but this time replacing the NO with YES.
It’s that easy!