The Feather Medicine Teaching is about a person’s life path and life purpose. Everyone has an opportunity to learn about their life and understand why things are the way they are and how to change things for the better.

People are created at the time of conception.

Everything for an individual is pre planned by the individual. Conception is the beginning and can be an end before the actual birth. The stigma of an incomplete life through miscarriage, abortion, stillborn or Sudden Infant Death (SID) is incorrect. Those spirits wanted and chose a shorter life experience and their exit.

Each individual chooses its:
birth mother & birth father
date of conception
departure from the Earth realm
life path including hardships & negative life experiences

Spirits around us communicate in many ways to help people find their life path and life purpose to facilitate the transition of their Earth walk back to the Spirit world with the job successfully completed.

The feather is a symbol of an Earth walk. The quill starts with life in the womb and ends with the crossing over but not always with the actual death. It may take time for a Spirit to cross over as they may need help in forgiving self or others. Non-forgiveness is the main reason why earth-bound spirits (or ghosts) exist. Forgiveness is the key to crossing over after death.

The right side of a feather represents the father’s side of the family tree and your masculine characteristics.

The left side of a feather represents the mother’s side of the family tree and your feminine characteristics.

The fluff at the bottom of the feather represents the childhood stage up to the 13th birthday.

Minor breaks on a feather represent the hardships a person will experience.

Major breaks on a feather represent the traumas a person will experience.

If the minor or major breaks are on the left side of the feather, the hardships and traumas are caused by immediate family members.

If the minor or major breaks are on the right side of the feather, the hardships and traumas are caused by everyone outside the immediate family.

If a person was adopted or raised in different families, the feather would have different colors. It could be one color to represent a single parent family where the other parent was absent for reasons of death, unknown or no involvement. Two colors would represent two biological parents. More than two colors would represent biological, adoptive, stepparent, or customary care.

Spirits are always around us. Rarely do we notice them. Why would we condemn them for wanting to be a part of an earth experience? So, honor all life and chose not to control an outcome as right or wrong. Accept that everything happens for a reason and sometimes we don’t know why.

Update November 2022