Prayer Flags

Prayer Flags, also known as Tobacco Flags, are for defining a sacred space and keeping it protected from unwanted external energies.
Prayer Flags is comprised of a group of 7 different colored strips of cloth with a handful of tobacco tied to one end and the excess material dropping down like a tail.
The 7 colors represent the 7 Sacred Directions and the help received from the Spirits in that direction.

1. Yellow for East is for inner-child work.

2. Red for South is for work on the youth stage of life.

3. Black for West is for work on adulthood.

4. White for North is for work on elders and Ancestors.

5. Blue for the Above Direction representing help and assistance from Father Sky and other Supernatural Spirits.

6. Green for the Below Direction representing help and assistance from Mother Earth and other Earth Spirits.

7. Purple for the Within Direction, representing Great Mystery which is the connection between your spirit to all of Creation.