Artist: Brian Waboose

Many people are terrified of the Bearwalker. It has the bad reputation of causing harm to individuals, families and communities. It is believed to be a bad medicine person who transforms into a bear.

This human bear has been seen by some people as a black bear standing on two feet. It can be seen as a fireball that travels on land without leaving burn marks. It can be seen as spirit orbs in pictures. It can be a feeling that someone is watching you yet, you see no one or some see an image or a shadow. They are all forms of spirits walking on earth. They are not bad.

In fact, it is a strong sign that spirits exist. Healers see and communicate with spirits. Gifted people see and hear spirits. Children see and hear spirits. It is people who don’t see or hear spirits that are scared of things they don’t understand. They are superstitious and like to feed on fears. Yet, they say “that the Creator made everything”. So, why would some people call Bearwalkers bad.

People are fearful of what they don’t know. They can’t explain it and think it bad. So, to clarify, Bearwalkers are spirits on the Otherside who show themselves to a select few.

Bearwalkers are not human nor do they turn back into humans. They were once human, died, crossed over to the Otherside and are our family, friends and ancestors.
When we pray, we ask for help and the Otherside responds in the best way for all concerned without interfering in a people’s life lessons. So, we may not get the results we want. But, our help is on its way.

Our family, friends and ancestors on the Otherside discuss and find out exactly what we need and set things in motion.

We all planned our own life walk.
We chose our parents.
We chose our life experiences.
We chose our date of birth and we chose our death.
We need to understand that we did everything to ourselves.
We just have to see that we need to work on the life experiences we chose for ourselves. Never mind other people’s lives. We need to start focusing on healing our past and move forward in living the good life.

Bearwalkers show themselves to give us proof that there is life after death. And that we have help available but just need to ask for it.

Spirits also get their messages across by having the information coded in dreams, chills on your body, hair standing up on the back of your neck, songs on the radio, things missing and mysteriously show up, high pitch ringing or humming in ear and visions while awake.
Why Spirits use a bear walking on two feet to show themselves to some people was that years ago Indians used to believe in Animal Spirits that would come to help them if called upon. Of all the animals, the Indians favored the black bear. They saw it as a protector and healer. So, the Spirits of Indians would show themselves as a black bear standing or walking on two feet to a chosen relative on earth as a sign that the Spirits heard their prayers and that help was being sent. If it were an ordinary black bear, the people wouldn’t be able to get the message that Spirits were being called into action.

When Spirits use orbs, they are just visiting family, friends or descendants.
Fireballs are for telling people that action is needed by an individual or group of people to do something important for the community. When the fireball is standing still, it is communicating the details to the person who sees it. It speeds away when done to show you that Spirit can be seen and come and go as needed.

A shadow or a light around a person is when the friend or loved one needs help and support from someone very dear to them from the Otherside.

Updated January 2021