*scroll down to find teaching*
Hawk Clan People work on self so that they can heal everyone in family, community and world who needs healing.
You help people heal from swallowing their hurts from bad experiences that caused intestinal, gastric, stomach, gall stones and gall bladder health issues.
You help people heal their hurts from bad experiences in their childhood.
You help people heal bad experiences from all stages of their life.
You stop incest and child sexual abuse from happening to children and infants in home, community, and world.
You heal the physical body of sicknesses.
You help people get healing for their physical illnesses.
You are in great demand to heal all the sexual abuses in all homes, communities, and world.

Cooper’s Hawk Clan People help find solutions for people with addictions.
You find root cause for addiction.
You find reason for abusing drugs, alcohol or food.
You find ways to heal the root cause.

Harrier Hawk Clan People get people to help themselves from getting frustrated.
You help people find the jokes to initiate laughter.
You help get people to have jokes in conversations to instil humor during stressful times.

Red Tail Hawk Clan People have great knowledge of ceremonies and teachings.
You have a lot of respect for family systems in helping the younger generation to keep their ceremonies and teachings alive.
You strive to keep healing yourself and others.
You are a “Keeper of Bundles”.
You intuitively and instinctively have gifts to heal people in your bundle, be it medicine, Spirit Guides, pipe, or healing gifts.
You find ways to get answers to other people’s questions.

Spirit Hawk Clan People have the gift to see into people’s darkness and see where it came from.
You have the strength to pull darkness out.
You find solutions to people’s problems.

Thunderhawk Clan People get “daddy” issues resolved so that the future generations do not have to carry on the bundles of the past.
You carry love for healing everyone and everything.
You keep the “black” in the world from spreading.

Yellow Hawk Clan People help people remove their negative life history.
Stereotypes and prejudices are hard to deal with so, you help people overcome being labelled less than.