Having a Poison Tongue is getting your negative thoughts about yourself and finding people with similar thoughts about themselves and attacking them with your words and lies without evening knowing why.

It is quite common in families and workplaces.

People do not love themselves and spread that lovelessness to others unknowingly.

Jealousy hate and envy have spread out because people refuse to heal.

People want others to suffer more than they are suffering so it helps them dull the stuff they are going through in their lives.

The Poison Tongue does nothing to help a person’s circumstances instead it causes more people to suffer needlessly.

It spreads to cause friction in families, tearing them apart and creating lateral violence in members of extended family and friends.

Having divisions in family goes against caring, kindness and compassion for the people your supposed to love.

Having family is the one thing you are to cherish most of all. In doing so provides you with unconditional love during good times and bad. So that you will never feel or be alone with whatever you are going through.

Is not that worth fighting for?

So, if you have people in your life that are causing you problems, see them as having a Poisoned Tongue and help them see that they are not alone and unloved. That you are caring, kind and compassionate to help them see life as something they need to heal from and that you are willing to help.

A Poison Tongue is a call for help.