White Cedar Leaf Tea

The following ailments benefit from White Cedar Branch Tea:
( Note: Preference is given to using fresh cedar branches)
1. Drinking tea will reduce and soothe menopausal symptoms.
2. Drinking tea reduces high stress levels and anxiety.
3. Drinking tea helps clean the body of toxins.
4. Drinking Tea, having the Cedar Bath Ceremony, and performing the Letting Go Technique removes stuck issues and blockages.
5. Drinking tea removes emotional waste from the kidneys.
6. Tea may be used in a vaporizer to clean the air of dust and germs.
7. Steaming Cedar Branch Tea and breathing in the vapors loosens mucus and helps your breathing passages open.
8. Adding Tea or 4 drops of Cedar Leaf essential oil to your bathwater will give you an energetic cleanse from negative feelings and emotions.

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