*scroll down to find teaching*

Tangerine is for removing your causes of resistance to healing.
Is for energizing and reinvigorating your soul.
Is for helping you to wake up and seize life. It is waiting for you.
Is for having the quietness of the moment that brings you peace.
Is for removing your unwanted behaviour of developing dependencies.
Is for removing the instilled false beliefs and ways of life that your trapped in.

Tanzanite is for healing your loneliness.

Tea Tree is for disinfecting your negative thoughts.
Is for getting your fear and ego in balance.
Is for letting go of your injustices felt to self and others.
Is for keeping healthy thoughts and letting go of hatred, jealousy, envy, and revenge.
Is for letting go of your bitterness and unwanted thoughts of damage.
Is for letting go the negative imprints you absorbed from other people’s statements.
Is for releasing unhealthy feelings.
Is for healing the skin aliments you have because you do not love yourself.

Thieves is for healing long standing issues in the body where you feel you should be punished for.

Touch Me Not is for letting others know when you don’t want to be touched.
Don’t give off false signals.

Tropical Zest is for living life to the fullest.

Turmeric is for removing stuck energies from family members who do not think that they have a problem.