*scroll down to find teaching*
Kangaroo Clan People help the children in dysfunctional families.
You find children who have no hope in getting their bad experiences to end and get them to heal themselves.
You give hope to children.

Killdeer Clan People protect the children from getting hurt.
You find ways to keep children safe.
You find ways to stick up for children’s rights.
You help organize activities for children.
You help children feel safe and protected.

Kingfisher Clan People heal people who have not let go of their loved ones to death.
You have the power to just open individual hearts and remove their grief. Many people hold on to their grief and store their losses in their bodies and it hides there for many years. Individuals internalize their grief, and it makes them have health problems in mind, body, and spirit.
You invite the Spirit Guides to help you remove the death of loved ones from an individual’s mind, body, and spirit.

Kraken Clan People help people break the bad feelings that they hide in their body.
You have bad feelings removed from people.
You help people heal from keeping bad feelings from bad things that people did to you.