*scroll down to find teaching*
Ladybug Clan People heal people from stigma.
You heal mental illnesses.
You heal the words of put downs, such as dumb, no good for nothing, you will never go anywhere in life.
You make people feel worthy.
You change thought systems replacing negative self thoughts with kindness and love.
You use your spots and wings to sprinkle kindness and love onto the people.

Brown Lizard Clan People heal the resentments people carry.
You find the compassion to have people see that no one is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes.

White Lizard Clan People help people change their ways so that their lives improve.
You change into many different colors and still return to original self but only better.
You must change color in order to grow.
You heal from your doubts and fears caused from childhood abuses that are unresolved.
The changes in color represent healing from abuses when you return to white you are healed.

Loon Clan People have every jester inside themselves to make their point across to others.
You can jester sounds, words, and actions to invite respect from others for another person’s point of view.