*scroll down to find teaching*
Dog Clan People help people to trust others.
You love family unconditionally.
You are forgiving when others hurt you.
You always give the benefit of the doubt.
You go out of your way to please people.
You help people feel like they belong.
You help keep people company when they are alone, afraid or down.
You are of service to others.
You protect the family.

Purple Puppy Clan People find the spiritual place of inner youth in people before they turned into adults.
You have the gift of experiencing the pleasures of freedom, like making your own choices. Many people end their youth phase unprepared for their adult phase.
You teach youth to transition into adult phase in a healthy way.

White Dog Clan People are loyal to the cause.
You are in the background and stand behind to help others complete the mission.
You stand behind to hold the energy within the group.