*scroll down to find teaching*
Black Rabbit Clan People have people see the truth within themselves regarding honouring their sexuality.
You move quickly to heal yourself once you honour the truth.
You see the black not as a curse but as the void to all possibilities.
You have the gift to see the darkness within people and give them the courage to really see it as it is.
You guide people to act for love of self to change their lives for the better.
You help people to become their own shaman instead of showman. Meaning people need to see that healing self is a lifelong journey.

Brown Rabbit Clan People help people find the gift they have.
You question people how they do the things they do to help understand what they are doing.

Jack Rabbit Clan People help people see hardships as ways to improve oneself.
You see the difficulties in life and work on the root causes.

Raccoon Clan People help people to make wise choices.
You handle all the garbage thrown at you and still be mellow. Your kindness and love are what helps you through it. It is your best and worst trait at the same time because you will do anything for the person you love. This sometimes means being taken advantage of.

Black Raven Clan People help people see what they want in life.
You can see things from far away.
You can heal people with long distant healing.
You heal the sorrow from people who are suicidal.
You teach people about the good in life.

High Soaring Raven Clan People help people to find their own way to heal themselves.
You help people to find which way suits them best.
You heal people by giving them the choice to heal themselves.
You heal people by showing them different ways of healing themselves.

White Raven Clan People heal people from friends who cause grief and hardship.
You have the gift of hearing Spirits.
You intuitively know who is willing and who is not ready for healing.
You find many tools in your bundle for healing people.

Cardinal Clan People are “Keepers of all Nations”.
You are a peacekeeper.
You get both sides to see common ground.

Rhinoceros Clan People are people who charge at healing the incurable.
You heal people who cannot be healed by the medical profession.
You heal everything in mind and body that there is no known cure for.

Robin Clan People heal incarnate spirits.
You find incarnate spirits who want help.
You help incarnate spirits cross over.
You heal causes of resistance.
What are incarnate spirits? They are spirits that are not human nor were they ever human. They are the spirits of emotions and feelings that were never resolved and then linger on in the earth realm. They attach themselves to people that are getting life experiences that result in the same emotions and feelings in hopes of being released when the person heals. If not, they attach themselves to the next individual.

Rooster Clan People help people find the time for themselves.
You help people be in the right place at the right time.
You channel for information from spirit guides and the Spirit World.