Badger Clan People hide their gifts and need to bring them up to the surface by using their intuition and trusting in their higher self.
You help people recognize their weakness and help them to find the strength in those areas.
You are an underdog helper and are good at working with skeptical people because they do not take face value.
You search for deeper meanings in all things.
You are a helper to the Great Spirit and help people to find their pathways to better ways of being in this world, lifetime and beyond.
You know how to dig deep and find lost souls that need to be brought to the light.
You are the Gate Keeper to Underground Knowledge.
You get information from the entities in earth. These Earth Spirits are not human and are not harmful to humans.
There are levels of Earth Spirits. The entities in the deeper level of the earth’s crust are called Keepers of Underground Knowledge while the entities closer to the surface of the earth’s crust are called Keepers of Sacred Knowledge.
You get access to information from the underworld. This information can assist people in restoring health to ecosystems and finding ways to clean the toxins from the earth.
You are fierce but be humble and forgiving to access the information so that the people can clean up their own misguided garbage.